Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"Faith Precedes the Miracle"

Quite possibly the hardest lesson we have to learn in life is that faith precedes the miracle. Our family is so blessed for the many opportunities we have had to laugh, cry, and grow stronger together. We also are so grateful to have such awesome friends and family to help carry us in our marching onward, we know that you all have your own challenges and struggles and some how find a way to be there for us and love and support us.

Henry Ford said: "Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us stronger, even though it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character and we must learn that the set backs and griefs which we endure help us in our marching on ward"

...To all of you, thank you for your love and support through uncertain times with our family, we wouldn't be who we are with out you.


Gillett's said...

YEAH!!!!! We love it- Thanks for setting the blog up Dubby. WE LOVE YOU GUYS =0) Love, the Gillett fam

Gillett's said...

I forgot to say what CUTE pics and video. GREAT JOB! Welcome to the world of Bloggin'

Kylee Clark said...

hey i hope ya dont mind i looked at your blog off of the gillets page.
your in our prayers, Keep us updated on Mike.
kylee clark (terry)

Esther J said...

What a nice family blog you have created! Thanks for letting us share in keeping up with mike's progress. In the video, is that Mike? And who is the cutie. I like the music, too.
Esther Asay Jones

Bearden Family said...

What a cute blog.. I love the pictures.